Lyricist Society Background
The Lyricist Society began in 2009 at Frederick Douglass
Academy for Young Men as an after school program. The
program was in part started as away to increase student
involvement in creative arts, but also as away to promote
cultural awareness, achievement and literacy through the use
of hip hop and digital media. Since its beginning date, the
Lyricist Society has evolved to include not only hiphop, but
digital storytelling, video editing, creative writing, spoken word and live
performances. Although its facets have expanded, the
Lyricist Society still is purposeful in giving students a voice
and promoting cultural awareness, achievement and literacy through creative mediums.
The Lyricist Society began in 2009 at Frederick Douglass
Academy for Young Men as an after school program. The
program was in part started as away to increase student
involvement in creative arts, but also as away to promote
cultural awareness, achievement and literacy through the use
of hip hop and digital media. Since its beginning date, the
Lyricist Society has evolved to include not only hiphop, but
digital storytelling, video editing, creative writing, spoken word and live
performances. Although its facets have expanded, the
Lyricist Society still is purposeful in giving students a voice
and promoting cultural awareness, achievement and literacy through creative mediums.